→ Introducing the Virtual Skills Master Community →

smiling girl in white crew neck shirt

Are you struggling with how to start or grow your small business?    

Starting a business can be hard enough with all the things you need to do, but building it out can be even tougher. There are so many options for programs to use, marketing tactics, etc. and how do you know what is best? Or what you really need to be successful vs. what you don’t really need?

If you are looking for a community that will help you take the learning curve out of your growth, one that provides you hands on support and curated information that pertains to what you really need to know, you are in the right place.    

If you are looking for a place to learn the skills, get your questions answered, have support in your journey as a new business owner, and a network of people to turn to when you need support, we have a solution for you! 

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The Virtual Skills Master Community is for you if you can relate to any of these:  

You are starting or already have a business but you are struggling with growth. You need a place to learn new skills, have support that you can turn to when you are stuck so you can keep moving forward, and be able to have long term support and accountability from a community of peers.  

You really aren’t sure if you have the right pieces in place to grow your business, how to get more clients, how to promote yourself or how to deal with issues that may come up. 

You are currently wearing all the hats and aren’t quite ready to hire support. You are also wasting a lot of precious time doing research, learning new things, and implementing what you learn…while wondering if you have it right!  

Connection, Relationships, Support Now and Later!

We Are Invested in Your Success!  

We have been where you are and now, with over 50 years combined experience, we are excited to help you so you don’t have to struggle like we did in the start. 

Of course having the right mindset is important. So is being clear on your offer and who it is for.

It’s also extremely important to know HOW TO DO THE THINGS!

That’s why we created a community that gives you skillsets, coaching, curated information, updated lessons (not ones from years ago that don’t apply any longer) and a place to get support you need quickly so you can keep moving forward.

Our experience combined is unique. We can teach you what you need to know as well as coach you, and help you in our hands on meetings with whatever you are struggling with so you can keep moving forward and aren’t stalled in progress wondering what to do next to just get past that latest hiccup. 

We can help you with your strategy, marketing ideas, support you in your implementation if you get stuck, answer your questions as you have them and more!  

Imagine Having Access to…

Resources that can help you build your business and grow

Templates that you can model from so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel or do a lot of research you don’t have time for

Video walk throughs and PDF’s to take you step by step through the skillsets you need to know

Marketing strategy and tips even if you have a shoestring budget

Opportunities to build relationships and gain a network of support that you can reach out to anytime you need them

Lessons and coaching on how to get prospects, talk to them, sell yourself, and gain new clients. Then how to retain them long term

Ongoing support, workshops, coaching, email support so you are never stuck struggling and can get support quickly as you need it to keep making progress.

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If you are ready to stop the struggle, build a successful business and have time back for yourself, we would like to introduce you to…

Virtual Skills Master Community

This is the community you have been waiting for!

The one that teaches you the SKILLS, provides the SUPPORT, and gives you the COMMUNITY you need.


We add to our resources all the time and you will find blogs and articles we have written on many topics related to business and health, books we recommend, sites we think you should check out, interviews with other business owners, software we think you may be interested in, and more.

Email support, Q&A work sessions, workshops

There are 3 levels you can join us at and depending on the level you choose, you get unlimited email access to us which means you can ask any question that comes up and get a quick response. There are also monthly Q&A work meetings where we help you hands on with what you are struggling with. In our Inner Circle level you get even more time with us. At that level we hold  a monthly group coaching mastermind call, as well as weekly workshops where you learn new topics and we answer questions and help you in real time on the call. You also have the opportunity to have a member spotlight where we will promote you and your business on our social media and you will be featured on our blog as well. 


You don’t have time to research all the things and reinvent the wheel! We provide the templates that have worked for us. Templates that include a work for hire agreement with the latest updated legal language, how to set up your policies, and what to include in your welcome/onboarding, just to name a few.

Build Your Business Lessons and Monthly Topics

You have instant access to lessons on all areas from starting up, to finding clients, to skills, to advanced learning skills. Each month a new topic is released into the platform with walk through videos to teach you the basic steps, PDF’s and advanced learning on the topic as well.  You have ongoing access to all of the monthly topics as they are released so you can refer back any time you want to.   

Website, Copy and Marketing Tips

It is important to look professional. We teach you how to choose your domain, set up your hosting, set up your WordPress account and theme, write simple copy, create a simple site and how to have your site setup so it ranks in Google and people can find you.  We also teach you marketing strategy, tips and ideas and how to get your business in front of the right people on a shoestring budget!   

Discounts on select services

If writing copy, or designing a website is not up your alley or you really don’t have time to do it, or if you are looking for private coaching, we offer discounted pricing to members.   

Hi, we’re the team behind Virtual Skills Master…

Meet Erin

Erin Alli has been in Operations and Leadership for 28 years. She has worked with hundreds of CEO’s and Leaders to help them strategize the growth of their business/organization, put systems in place to run efficiently and incorporate SOP’s so that the business would continue running smoothly even if a key player was unavailable.

Her expertise includes operations, project management, process and system setup, strategy, leadership, execution of a plan, integration, change management, team building, business growth, human resources, copywriting, copyediting, design, marketing and sales.

Erin is gifted in writing in a client’s voice and has written thousands of pieces of marketing copy, sales pages, website pages, blogs, articles, white papers, and email funnels in many different industries.  

Erin is also a coach and has owned multiple successful businesses, both online and brick and mortar. 

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Meet Sharon

Sharon Savage has been in the virtual assistant and tech space for 30 years. She excels in figuring out how things work and embraces technology. She specializes in supporting businesses with CRM systems, html coding for websites and sales pages, graphic creation and web design and development. She is the master of anything technical and can fix things that would take others hours to figure out! 

Sharon is very skilled at all of the technical components that are behind the scenes that help to support clients with tasks such as teleseminar and webinar set up, summits, podcasts, and so many other things. She has a natural talent for teaching others and truly loves taking the time to make sure everyone understands the pieces of their business, even if they don’t need to be doing those tasks themselves.

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